Thursday, March 26, 2015

Third Adventure

Here is my third adventure. This is by far the best so far as I was able to get a look inside. There was no breaking and entering. The front door was wide open and there weren't any 'no trespassing' signs. I know that doesn't mean anything, but I don't care, haha. 

First here is what I'm thinking was an old town hall. On the other corner there was a newer town hall.

My partner in crime, haha. We were hidden behind the old town hall building.

Some sort of little shed.

House through the woods next to the old town hall.

Looking up at the side of the house. 

Now for inside the house. Looking into the living room. I was so happy to see furniture and things to look at. 


More of the living room. Furniture looks like it could be from the 70s.

Looking into the kitchen. This looks like it was such a cute little house back in it's day. Too bad people let them fall to ruin. I wish it had been more intact so I could have look around in the upstairs.

This light fixture was above the entryway door. Thought it was kind of cute.

More kitchen. I love the cabinets. Cute little country kitchen.

This is looking towards the upstairs area. Someone liked the color blue. Must have been part of a bedroom.

Old Valentine's card on the living room floor. I wonder if someone thinks of it.

View of the front of the house. I would have loved to have lived here when it was new. It's in a quiet little farming area. 

This is the shed. I forgot to get pictures of the outside, though.

I so wish I could have seen what was up in the crawl space.

I really wanted to open that one drawer on the left, but I really didn't want their to be a critter inside. I didn't open it.

This is looking up at the ceiling. A picture frame or something of some sort. Wish I could have seen what it was, but there wasn't any way for me to get up there :/

Random door. You can see little critter tracks in the dust. To the left was an old snowmobile.

Second Trip

So here is the next bunch of houses I came across. It's hard to believe there are so many in one general area. These next few were found in about a 2 square mile area. I will go back to a couple of these to try to get a closer look. I've always got my 2 year old with me, so I need someone to watch her in the car while I'm nosing around ;)

I'm thinking this first house was a little cabin or something. There wasn't much left to it.

This outhouse was behind the main building.

Behind the main building.  This is where I entered. 

Inside the main building. Tile still on the floor. Facing the front from the inside.

Looking at a little shed from the inside.

Looking towards the back of the main building. I'm thinking the room in the corner was a bedroom or something.

One last view of the little shed. This was on a beautiful piece of land as it is all hardwoods. I wouldn't mind going back to this one during the summer, even if it's just to get another look at the woods around.

I found Sleepy Hollow!

This next one is an old farm. This one I'm definitely going to go back to on a nicer day and when I've got someone with me. It's on a beautiful piece of property. Just too bad it's gone to waste.

This one is also an old farm. I would have pulled up closer to it, but there was a fallen tree branch down in the driveway.

Under the branch of the broken tree you can see there is an old silo back there.

My First

Ok, so I'm finally getting around to posting my first batch of photos. This house I found on a side road in Danbury, Wisconsin. I took these photos a couple of weeks ago.

This house was just a little trailer. It was haunting in it's own way. They pretty much all are. I wish I could have gotten inside.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Photography Project

So this year I'm starting a photography project. I love the look of old, abandoned houses. I love looking at them and wondering about their past. Wondering what they looked like when they were first built and lived in. Wondering what the family was like who lived their before. Wondering why it was eventually abandoned. In the area in which I live there are a lot of houses and farms left behind for one reason or another. Photos to come soon.