Thursday, March 26, 2015

Second Trip

So here is the next bunch of houses I came across. It's hard to believe there are so many in one general area. These next few were found in about a 2 square mile area. I will go back to a couple of these to try to get a closer look. I've always got my 2 year old with me, so I need someone to watch her in the car while I'm nosing around ;)

I'm thinking this first house was a little cabin or something. There wasn't much left to it.

This outhouse was behind the main building.

Behind the main building.  This is where I entered. 

Inside the main building. Tile still on the floor. Facing the front from the inside.

Looking at a little shed from the inside.

Looking towards the back of the main building. I'm thinking the room in the corner was a bedroom or something.

One last view of the little shed. This was on a beautiful piece of land as it is all hardwoods. I wouldn't mind going back to this one during the summer, even if it's just to get another look at the woods around.

I found Sleepy Hollow!

This next one is an old farm. This one I'm definitely going to go back to on a nicer day and when I've got someone with me. It's on a beautiful piece of property. Just too bad it's gone to waste.

This one is also an old farm. I would have pulled up closer to it, but there was a fallen tree branch down in the driveway.

Under the branch of the broken tree you can see there is an old silo back there.

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