Wednesday, May 13, 2015

All Burnt Up

 So I was doing some searching around the internet at some genealogy website called family search or something like that. I looked up my dad, whom I currently don't really have contact with, and found his address history. At one point in time, he lived within 10 miles from where I live now. I remember visiting him there after he and my mom split up and before he moved to Arizona so I thought I'd go take a look. While I was driving back from there, I came across an abandoned house that looked like it was a farm at one point, being that there were a few corrals on the premises. I'm guessing horses being there were as many as there were. The house itself was brought down by a fire. I hope no one was hurt in it. There was a sign out front that said "not responsible for accidents" so I took that as an invitation to go and explore. I got quite a few photos over the course of a few days, so enjoy!

This was inside the garage area. I entered that area first on the first day.

View of the house. It couldn't have been left too long being that there were two satellite dishes on it.

This was inside the garage, too.

After I took this photo I pulled out the plate it had the year '88 on it. 

View into the house from the back.

They must've liked grilling out.

The stairs.

Lookining into the kitchen.

Not sure what movie this is, but thought it was kind of funny to see.

I have no clue what this is. 

Computer desk. I didn't go too much farther in. I didn't want to create vibrations through what was left of the house and have it collapse on me.

Picture above the stove. I imagine this was a cute house back in it's day.

Tried to get a good view of the upstairs.

This was in a shed behind the house. There was also no indoor bathroom in the house. There was a ladies and mens outhouse out back.

I'm standing outside at this point and taking these photos through the window.

It's looking at me.

Plant on top of a speaker.

Horse pillow on the couch.

Shed and pasture.

One corral.

Outside of the garage.

Back of the garage.

Another view outside of the house. After looking at these on the computer, I realized there was a house up the road not far that was identical in color. Coincidence?

After I took this photo I poked my head into this doorway and almost got hit in the face by a pigeon :P

This was back in the garage. There was a loft above, I'm guessing someone lived up there, too.

I stretched my arms up to get his photo and didn't go any farther. I didn't want to fall through the floor.

And this is the house my dad lived in. I sort of remember it. The inside more than the outside. He lived here until 1995 and then moved to Arizona.

Gated off so people don't live here all year round.

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